ISSN: 2078-8134 (Print) | ISSN: 2790-7066 (Online)
Subscription index: 75278
Founder and publisher of the journal "M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art"
Chief Editor: Matyzhanov Kenzhehan Slyamzhanovich
Scientific editor: Kalieva Almira Kairtayevna
Editor-in-Chief: Sarsenbayeva Zhansulu Badenovna
Technical Editor: Magazbekov Nur Zhandosuly

The scientific journal "KERUEN" was founded in 2005 by the famous folklorist, academician of the NAS RK Seit Kaskabasov (registered on March 24, 2005 in the Committee of Information and Archives of the Ministry of Culture, Information and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, registration certificate No. 5844-Zh.)
The founder and publisher of the journal is the M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art. The purpose of the journal is to disseminate scientific information and attract new authors. The journal initiates discussions on the results of new achievements in the field of fundamental sciences.
Frequency of publication – 4 times a year (once a quarter).
Languages of publications: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Focus on the coverage of publications in the following specialties: humanitarian sciences

  1. Literary studies
  2. Culturology